Friday, November 26, 2010

Caffeinated BABE? Really?

According to the Urban Dictionary (, the number one definition for
Caffeinated is:  "To be wired on caffeine.  Have a caffeine buzz."
Babe is:  "1.endearing term. 2. adjective used to describe a good looking girl, sometimes describes guys."

So how did I come to call my blog "Caffeinated Babe"? 

Here's some background:  I had my first baby in August 2000.  Unfortunately, my "babe" status had been in decline for a good five years before that (red-hot, sexy positions as pre-school teacher and veterinary receptionist... FYI, when you take a position which requires that you deal with fecal matter daily, don't see Heidi Klum cleaning kitty litter in her lingerie).  Becoming the mother of a newborn actually improved my babe status there, for a short time.  Alas...the erratic sleep patterns, eating poptarts to stay conscious, two more babies, more poptarts, hallucinatory sleep patterns, haphazard bathing habits, preschool drop-offs, really bad hair (as a result of my moody color choices in the hair color aisle at Walmart)...all factors contributing to an increasingly frumpy, decidedly UNBABE-like demeanor.

Last year, though, something quite remarkable happened.  My youngest child, Luke, started going to pre-school three days a week.  By the grace of God, he also started sleeping through the night, more or less.  Slowly, so slowly, my sanity and a speck of my SELF (by this I mean original thoughts not having to do with bare bones survival) began to return to me.  I found I could bathe 5-6 times a week.  Further, I could apply makeup 3-4 times a week.  Occasionally, I could engage in a conversation and not lose my train of thought.  Well, maybe only lose it 3-4 times in the one conversation.  Believe me, Heidi's talent scouts were not knocking down my door (ask anyone in the car line at our school), but tiny, baby steps were happening. 

Last spring, there was an Open House at our little Montessori school.  In preparation, I had: a) bathed; b) applied makeup;  and c) worn a dress made of infinitely flattering material.  One of my grooviest friends (also the chick responsible for getting me hooked on Facebook...not to name names, know who you are) took an impromptu picture of me at said Open House.  There is an accidental shaft of light shining from behind me in the picture, and my photographer called the photograph "Illuminated Babe".  God bless her, that was one of the nicest things anyone had said/written/uttered about me in the previous decade (not counting, of course, my fiercely loyal husband, whose brain has been just as addled as mine during these past years).  Through snickering wordplay, "Illuminated Babe" (d)evolved into "Caffeinated Babe", and we all still get a good giggle from it around here.

So.  There you have I became the Caffeinated Babe--at least in cyberspace.  Now, if I could just bring the whole "babe" thing to the three dimensional reality...  :-D

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